蓬佩奧:深切關注 12 港人送中、被拒晤律師 質疑林鄭有否保障港人權利


美國國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)週五(9月12日)發表聲明,表示美國深切關注在中國廣東省被關押的 12 名香港民主活動人士,稱他們被拒絕與律師接觸,中國地方當局也未提供有關他們情況或針對他們的指控的信息。


The United States is deeply concerned that twelve Hong Kong democracy activists, arrested two weeks ago off the coast of Hong Kong by Guangdong Maritime Police, have been denied access to lawyers of their choice.  Local authorities have yet to provide information regarding their welfare, or the charges against them.  We question Chief Executive Lam’s stated commitment to protecting the rights of Hong Kong residents, and call on authorities to ensure due process.

被指違反《國安法》的「香港故事」成員李宇軒等 12 名港人,上月下旬疑潛逃台灣時被中國海警截獲,至今被關押在深圳鹽田看守所逾 20 天,受家屬委託的內地律師屢遭中國公安拒絕會面當事人要求,更有多名律師被當局要求退出代理本案。